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Héctor González - Bio

I am Héctor González, a media artist based in Vienna and Munich. My artistic pursuits revolve around investigating the interplay between technology, art, and the human spirit.

Hector Gonzalez - Media Artist - Portrait

I integrate diverse disciplines such as science, philosophy, classical art aesthetics, and humanities into my work. Through my artistic endeavors, I explore the spiritual issues that arise from the convergence of technology and humanity, science and soul. I examine the multifaceted nature of human existence in our ever-changing digital era.

My creative practice primarily revolves around video creation, utilizing tools like Artificial Intelligence. I believe that AI can serve as an invaluable tool for delving into the intricate psychological and philosophical musings of the human mind. Through the video medium, I aspire to capture the existential desires and aspirations of humankind and translate them into philosophical works.

Furthermore, I regularly explore various media genres, such as Bio, 3D, and Glitch Art, sometimes integrating them with traditional techniques like painting and sculpture to create mixed media installations. This approach allows me to engage in a multidimensional exploration of concepts and ideas, blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital realms.

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication, a Master's degree in Media Art from the University of Dönau-Krems in Austria, and a Master's degree in Museology and Museography  from the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.

Member of ICOM, International Council of Museums

Member of the National State Archives, Ministery of Culture, Spain Government


  • Metamorfos - Sculpture (in progress)

  • Videopoem II. No longer shall my eyes behold the splendors of this world Video Poetry


  • Videopoem I. Flowers for the Yearning of the Soul - Video Poetry

  • Exhibition: "Butterfly Transformation". AI Exhibition. Beijing 2102 Art Center

  • Online Exhibition: "'A Kind of Alchemy': The Work of Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"


  • Stasi. The oppressive medium - Video Art 

  • Exhibtion: The Violence Project 2022 - Violence Motivation Moves

  • Sidereus Lapis. Compendium of Impossible Minerals - Sci  Art

  • The Neural Portraits - AI Art


  • BioHappening II. Organic Matter as Artistic Medium - Bio Art


  • Computational Æsthetics. The Creation of Philosophical Forms with AI - AI Art

  • WIHUM - Wishes of a Humanity that never existed - AI Art

  • BioHappening I. DNA Manipulation as Aesthetic Process - Bio Art


  • AK47 - Useless Weapon - Glitch Art / Mixed Media installation


  • Video-meditations on the texts of J.J. Winckelmann - Video Art


  • Ephemeral Spaces" @MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, AT - Curation and Media Art exhibition

  • The Wrong" - Digital Art Biennale. Curator for the Austrian Pavillion. Vienna, Austria​

  • Perseus Triumphant - Video Art


  • The Enigma of H - Video Art

  • Rara Avis - Video Art


  • Go to the underworld - Joachim Patinir - Video Art


  • Prisma - Video Art


  • Post-Industrial city. Aproximaciones arquitectónicas en video - Video Art


  • Isolaciones. Cuerpo y estado humano - Photography / Video Art


  • Prolonged - Performance

  • Genesis - Performance / Theater


  • Rueda - Video Poems



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